Put a Little Sparkle in Your Art!
Glitter. Yes, glitter. Let’s talk about glitter.
Glitter is not just for the Holidays or for Mardi Gras. Oh no. Glitter can be an everyday thing. With all that is going on these days, what self-respecting person couldn’t stand to use a little more glitter in her life? Glitter reflects light and makes us happy. If you ask me, I’d say the whole world needs a lot more glitter.
Some say that there should be no glitter in art, or even anywhere. These are likely the same people who hate brightly colored art. Who knows, maybe they were mistreated as children or think that art and life must be terribly serious. Whatever! I’m pretty sure the Godhead is made entirely of glitter.
Yes, you can put glitter in your art. The key to doing so is to think of it like jewelry. You know the old adage - take one piece off before leaving the house. The same pretty much goes for sparkle in your art. Just don’t overdo it.
I mean, you could go all Lisa Frank or Sara Shakeel and make millions of dollars from your glittering art, or you could just get away with a glimmer here and a hint there.
Here are a few paintings I recently created with glitter:
I call this Night Hearts, and it was created 100% in Procreate.
This one is called Circus House. I painted it, then went over the top of some of the shapes, entirely creating some, in Procreate. So, it is a hybrid piece.
Can you tell where I added the glitter?
You be the judge of whether or not a dab of glitter adds a certain je ne sais quois to your art.